Friday, March 8, 2013

A massive rally will be organised in Karachi on 10th February 2013

The representative of Baloch National Front has said that the Pakistani brutalities are escalating in occupied Balochistan. But the International media and UN have remained criminally silent on this issue.

“The genocide of Baloch nation is in full swing. Pakistani forces recently carried out military operations in Mashkay, Awaran, Makaran, Besima, Kalat, Soorab, Dera Bugti, Mastung, kohlu and various other parts of Balochistan. The BNF will be carrying out a protest rally against the Baloch genocide today on 10th February from Aat chowk Lyari to press club Karachi,” said representative of BNF.

Baloch National Front is an alliance between BSO-Azad and BNM.

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