Sunday, August 18, 2013

Speaker : Major General (Retd) GD Bakshi Seminar on "IB on the Brink?" Politicizing Terror : A disaster in the making.

Speaker : Major General (Retd) GD Bakshi
Seminar on "IB on the Brink?" Politicizing Terror : A disaster in the making

The Rohngiyas and the Buddhists have riots in Myanmar. Where does the terror backlash come? Not in monasteries of Myanmar ... the terror attack comes in India Bodhgaya, Bihar Why?

Because the state in India has successfully commenced the destruction and demoralization of its counter terror agencies- starting with the core organization of the IB. By politicizing terror we have created the most permissive and enabling environment for terrorists to operate. Ashley Tellis said, "India has become a sponge for absorbing terrorism casualties on behalf of the West."

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