Saturday, June 15, 2013

The terrorist state of Porkistan.

For the past 65 years, Pakistan and its monstrous intelligence services ISI tried all means (Terror Training, Terror Networks, Terror Imports, Terror Exports, Terror Schools, Terror Funding, Terror and Terror, Jihad, Intervention, Aggression, Religious & Minority Hatred, Demagogue, and etc) in order to survive. As we can see from the day of Pakistani inception, the situation is getting worse day by day. People living in the area are in a stagnant situation. Socioeconomic conditions are getting worse. Pakistan is in a financial free fall and has nothing to survive except terror funding and financing from its Arab masters in Gulf States.

I believe that it is the right time to dissolve Pakistan by encouraging Pashtun and Baluch Nationalism, so National States could emerge. This will provide the world with the opportunity to save tax payers' money, nurture a peaceful coexistence, and make people of the area more responsible for taking care of their own countries. Which will be Afghanistan and India in existence and the name Pakistan to be buried with a tombstone "Pakistan 1947-2015"
Why should the world in this case the West be faithful, caring and responsible for a terrorist Pakistan, if Pakistan itself survives by Terror, outside money, and full of hatred ideology?

In addition, Porkistan is not a National State! Porkistan does not have a national language. Urdu is not a national language of Porkistan. It's official language is English. Urdu is the language of no nation. It is something like Esperanto and only 8% of the 200 million Pakis speak it as their first language. Porkistan does not have a National Identity. Porkistan does not have a National Culture. Porkistan is the greatest Terror hub. Porkistanis like you live by extreme fundamentals developed by Porkistani Zealots.

There is no reason to maintain the status quo of this filthy state created by a vodka drinker and a womanizer Mohammad Ali Jinnah and fantasized by your grandfather who you sold your mothers British Lord Mountbatten.

Without dissolving Pakistan, instability will remain in the area, and the socioeconomic conditions will not improve. With its Fascist Islamic Foundation, Pakistan is a danger to its neighbors, and to the World. Why the world has to pay for maintenance of Pakistan, its ISI Mafia and its ineffective Army?

A country that cannot feed its people but has nukes, and for the sake of world peace, United Nations should issue a resolution to confiscate the terrorists' nukes because the country is incapable of safeguarding them and then impose complete sanctions just as Iran.

Below is the picture your Pakistani pimp Jinnah and Duffy Duck that could give you some remembrance as how well they resemble each other.

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