Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mother of abducted Baloch student threatens Self-immolation in front of UN office.

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Family of zakir majeed baloch
The Voice for Baloch Missing Persons and family of abducted Baloch student Zakir Majeed Baloch took out a protest rally on Saturday 8 June 2013 for safe release of Zakir Majeed Baloch. Mr Majeed was abducted four years ago on 8 June 2009 from Mastung area of Balochistan. 

The rally was led by the Vice Chairman of Voice for Baloch Missing Persons, Qadeer Baloch, and the family of Zakir Majeed. A large number of Baloch activists and students took part in rally to express their support with family of enforced-disappeared person in Balochistan. 

The participants of the rally were carrying placards, banners and images of the abducted Baloch. They chanted slogans against disappearances and for the release of their loved ones. 

Addressing the rally speakers said that government officials of different levels gave them false hope and assurance that their relatives will be released but they failed to fulfil their promises. A large number of abducted Baloch have been killed under-custody by Pakistan army and other security agencies. 

“Even the Chief Justice of Pakistan has failed to recover the enforced-disappeared Baloch activists. He has been saying that he will take action against those responsible for abduction of innocent Baloch but so far has not taken any practical steps to implement his orders,” said the speakers.

Meanwhile, the sister of Zakir Majeed Baloch held a press conference at Quetta Press Club and read a message from the mother of Baloch student. 

According to the message of Zakir Majeed’s mother her son was abducted on 8 June 2009 from Paring Abad area of Matung in Balochistan. She said her son was innocent but if the security agencies have any proof against him then he should be presented to a court and punished according law of the land. 

She said her son’s only crime was that he’s a Baloch student and was active in politics. “Politics in Balochistan has become a crime,” she said.

“We are hearing the statements of the new Chief Minister that he will recover the abducted Baloch person but such rhetoric are not new to us as we have been hearing them from past many years. I am still living with the hope that tomorrow my son will be released,” Message of Zakir Majeed’s mother read. 

Addressing the United Nations in her message she demanded form the UN to take action against her son’s abduction and pressurise Pakistani to release him. “If my son is not released, I will set myself alight in front of the office of United Nations. For which UN will be responsible.”

She also urged the Amnesty International, Human Right Watch, UNHCR and other international human rights organisations to play their role for her son’s release. 

Meanwhile the Baloch social media activists have started a campaign on twitter for the release of Zakir Majeed and other abducted Baloch persons using hashtag #FreeZakirMajeed to create awareness about enforced-disappearances in Balochistan. 

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