Wednesday, June 5, 2013

BRP to hold a protest against illegal occupation,Pakistani state terrorism and Pakistani State atrocities the UN in Geneva.

Baloch Republican Party will hold a protest demonstration in front of United Nations office in Geneva, Switzerland against illegal occupation of Balochistan, ongoing state atrocities and gross human rights violations including military operations, enforced disappearances and extra-judicial killings of Baloch political activists and youth by Pakistani armed forces and secret agencies.

The protest is aimed at raising awareness about the Baloch genocide and war crimes committed by the Pakistani forces in Balochistan. The state has failed to achieve desirable results from its drama of so-called elections and as a result of great mental disorder, it has intensified the atrocities against the Baloch people. The state forces have extended the scope of its brutalities to breadth and corner of Balochistan.

Military offensives, involuntary and arbitrary abductions and recovery of the mutilated dead bodies of the abducted Baloch youth have become a part of everyday life. Recently, the bullet-riddled dead body of Baloch National Movement (BNM) activist Shafee Mohammad Baloch has been found from Pasni town. Military operations also continue in Dera Bugti and other parts of Balochistan where innocent Baloch populace are attacked, looted, abducted and killed in a systematic way.

The international community, United Nations and civilized people of the world have adopted a disturbing silence over the Baloch genocide and war crimes committed by Pakistani forces. In the protest demonstration organized to be held in front of United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland on June 02, 2013, Baloch Republican Party will try to attract the attention of the international community toward the human tragedy in Balochistan. We will also try to convince the UN to not only immediately intervene to stop the ongoing atrocities by state forces but also to play its due role in ending the illegal occupation of Balochistan.

We appeal to the advocates of Human Rights, equality, justice and freedom to participate in the protest demonstration and express solidarity with the Baloch people in their struggle against Pakistani occupation and tyranny & for the freedom and sovereignty of their nation and country.

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