Thursday, June 6, 2013

Baloch genocide continues: Deadbody. of abducted BRP activist Zaheer Baloch found from Karachi

BALOCHISTAN: Baloch genocidal policies of the state continue unabated. Military operations in different parts of Balochistan, enforced disappearance and recovery of mutilated dead bodies have seen no halt. Another abducted Baloch missing person has been killed in the custody of state forces and his bullet-riddled dead body was recovered from Sarjani town, Karachi. The dead body was later identified as that of Zaheer Baloch, an activist of Baloch Republican Party and son of BRP’s central organizing body leader Advocate Anwar Baloch.
Zaheer Anwar Baloch
Zaheer Baloch

Zaheer Baloch was abducted along with two other Baloch activists Hafeez Baloch and Ateeq Baloch by personnel of armed forces and intelligence agencies of Pakistan from Punjgor area on April 24, 2013. The dead body of Hafeez Baloch was found the next day (on April 25) from Turbat while Ateeq Baloch is still missing and his life is in extreme danger as the missing Baloch people end up being found dead or remain missing for years.
Baloch Republican Party pays tributes to Shaheed Zaheer Baloch on his martyrdom. BRP announces three days of morning and calls for a complete shutter-down strike all over Balochistan on June 06 against the custodial killing of BRP activist Zaheer Baloch. The elections of Pakistan and transfer of power from a so-called democratic government to another one have brought more atrocities on the Baloch people as military offensives, enforced disappearance and extra-judicial murders of Baloch activists continue ceaselessly.
Baloch people have no faith in any institution or government of Pakistan. The drama of democracy is a mere deception by the state forces to appoint their desired people on governmental ranks and continue the Baloch genocidal policies under the cover of so-called democratic government. The solution of Balochistan problems lies only in complete independence from Pakistani occupation.
We appeal to the international community, human rights organizations and civilized people of the world to break their prolonged silence over Baloch genocide and illegal occupation of Balochistan by Pakistani state and play their due role in ending the ongoing atrocities and war crimes perpetrated by the state forces on daily basis.

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