Thursday, April 25, 2013

Baloch Gohaar Movement appeals the Nation to boycott Pakistani elections


Chairperson of the Baloch Gohaar [Sisters’] Movement, Haani Baloch, Vice Chairperson Zamor Azad Baloch, Joint Secretary, Zemal Baloch have appealed the Baloch nation, on Wednesday, to boycott Pakistani bogus elections.
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“Casting votes or participating in elections held by occupiers is second to agreeing on the terms of slavery and it is betrayal to the blood of martyrs,” The Baloch sisters said in a joint statement.

They said that the Baloch nation should not ruin their future by casting votes for a bogus parliament and should strengthen the freedom struggle by boycotting these elections.

The press release further read, “We have responsibilities to stand firmly against the brutal and oppressive system of the occupier. Our rich history teaches us to negate the colonizers and their systems. Our ancestors and martyrs have formed a very noble history and we should continue the same path because the emancipation lies in the same school of thought.

“Participating in elections and becoming collaborators of occupiers and yet claiming to be a nationalist is self-contradicting and tantamount to betraying the Baloch people. The Baloch should not act unreasonably and think that the establishment and Baloch are concomitant to each other or Punjab is the Big Brother. Balochistan is a country, which has been occupied. The confusing terms used by state sponsored parliamentary parties is doing nothing for the nation but strengthening the collaborators.”

They added that we (Baloch) should not commit treachery to t the land that has made our survival possible. Each and every Baloch should realize that their identity does not relate to an occupier state, which has occupied their motherland. The Parliament and every system of the occupier is only strengthening and lengthening the occupation of Balochistan. Through elections, Pakistan will try to deceive the international community that the Baloch have agreed to live within the framework of federation of Pakistan. They would also use the policies and measures of parliaments and parliamentarians against the Baloch national struggle, Baloch culture and language.

“Pakistan has always tried to counter the Baloch struggle through parliaments and the opportunistic parliamentarians have always aided the occupier for their own petty benefits. With their false dreams of employment and national interests, the parliamentarians have always tried to strengthen fake relations with the occupier through force.

“In reality the Pakistani parliaments is not giving us any rights but is all involved in snatching our due rights. It doesn’t even spare our right to life. The Pakistani parliament will not give us anything. Any such claims that we get our right through the parliament of occupiers are nothing but blatant lies. Strengthening the parliament, which is destroying our very existence, is like committing suicide,” the leaders of Baloch Gohar Movement said.

They appealed the Baloch nation to refute the Pakistani held elections and to follow the path of Baloch martyrs and strengthen the struggle for independence of Balochistan. 

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