Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Sammi and Ali Haider. Both missing their school and walking to demand justice for their abducted fathers.

1971 Rapes: Bangladesh Cannot Hide History.

The post- Liberation War generation of Bangladesh know stories from 1971 all too well. Our families are framed and bound by the history of this war. What Bangladeshi family has not been touched by the passion, famine, murders and blood that gave birth to a new nation as it seceded from Pakistan? Bangladesh was one of the only successful nationalist movements post-Partition. Growing up, stories of the Mukti Bahini,(Bengali for “Freedom Fighter”), were the stories that raised us.


Walk for Justice and ,Peace,Freedom.

UN how long should the Balochs suffer?

Bangladesh freedom war A child leads .

Bangladesh freedom war A child leads a street procession during the mass revolt of 1969. The boy was killed shortly after the photograph was taken.

Iran: More than Persia

Baluch, Kurd, Turks of Azerbijan are all separate nations and their countries have been occupied by Iran/Persia. They are striving to have their countries back where they can live free of Persian dictation and freely practice their culture, language and religion.

"While Iran is commonly referred to as Persia, Persians account for roughly half the population. The remaining half is comprised of ethnic minorities; mainly Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Turkmen, Arabs and Baluch."

When Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was campaigning, he promised the country’s many ethnic minorities to expand the use of their languages. Rouhani recently signaled his intent to keep that promise, by appointing Iran’s first presidential aid for ethnic and religious minority affairs, acknowledging the country’s minority challenges.
In the multi-ethnic state that is Iran, the political meaning of the population’s diversity will have serious consequences as political normalization with the West continues. Both the United States and the European Union should understand the significance of Iran’s multi-ethnic makeup and prepare policies that can address it.
Washington and Brussels should view this process as similar to when Mikhail Gorbachev began opening the Soviet Union to the West, it quickly became apparent that the Soviet Union was –not only composed of Russians. Later, it became clear that what the West had considered to be “Yugoslavians” or “Czechoslovakians” were, in fact, many different ethnic groups.  Few of these peoples shared a civic-state identity.
In the same way, while Iran is commonly referred to as Persia, Persians account for roughly half the population. The remaining half is comprised of ethnic minorities; mainly Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Turkmen, Arabs and Baluch.
The Azerbaijanis are the largest minority, accounting for a third of the population. Iran’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei is an ethnic Azerbaijani, as is one of the main opposition leaders, Mir-Hossein Mousavi.
Ethnic minorities pose a particular security problem for Iran. They primarily live in the border regions and many share ties with members of their ethnic communities in neighboring states, including Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iraq and Pakistan. Iran’s domestic makeup affects its foreign relations with most of its neighbors.
Iran’s Constitution grants ethnic minorities the right to use their ethnic languages in media and other publications, as well as for education. In reality, however, Iran has not allowed ethnic minorities to run schools or give testimony in courts in their native languages. Non-Persian media and publications have been limited.
The multi-ethnic composition of Iran could affect regime stability. In a potential regime crisis, the ethnic factor could play a role in toppling the government — as it did in the collapse of the Shah regime and the ascent to power of the Islamic Republic in 1979.
Yet, in contrast to the role that ethnic populations played in bringing about the collapse of the Soviet Union and the breakup of Yugoslavia, Iran’s multi-ethnic demographics may undermine the reform movement. Many pro-democracy Persian activists in Iran fear full democratization because it could lead to the end of Persian dominance.
Iran’s ethnic minorities demonstrate varying degrees of identification with the regime. Most seek expansion of their cultural rights within Iran. In this, they are seeking to change the nation’s policies, not its borders.
However, some groups, including Kurds and Baluch, are now waging a violent struggle against Tehran. The Western media does not often focus on these ethnic struggles. When they do it is usually framed in religious terms, referring to Sunni minorities and ignoring the ethnic basis of the conflict.
Regular skirmishes now take place between government forces and residents of Iran’s Kurdish provinces. Hundreds of Iranian Kurds have been arrested in the last year and many are still in detention.
Another focus of violent confrontation is between Tehran and the Baluch-populated regions that border Pakistan and Afghanistan. Senior Iranian security and other government personnel have been assassinated in this region; most recently a public prosecutor.
Responding to these ethnic upheavals, Tehran has long blamed outsiders. Rouhani has done this as well, attempting to delegitimize the demands for language and cultural rights by depicting these ethnic minorities as tools of foreign governments, primarily Britain, the United States or Israel.
Most foreign governments, however, including the United States, have not formulated specific policies toward the ethnic minorities. They rarely even factor them in when assessing regime stability, and are cautious in their contacts with representatives of the ethnic minorities who seek outside support.
In fact, even U.S. government-supported media outlets like Voice of America and Radio Liberty rarely report on the discrimination against Iran’s ethnic minorities or the violent confrontations taking place with the central government.
Though actively meddling in Iran’s ethnic politics does not seem prudent, the Washington and European governments should include Tehran’s discrimination toward its ethnic minorities when reporting on the state of human rights there. U.S. government analytical units and officials dealing with Iran should consider the response of ethnic minorities when assessing regime stability in Iran.
Moreover, Radio Liberty and other U.S. government-supported media outlets should give a voice to these ethnic minorities.
The rising ethnic activity in Iran will likely lead to increased demands for policy responses from the United States and Europe. These governments should be prepared. It is best not to wait until people are marching in public squares to understand their aspirations.

PHOTO: An Iranian Sunni Kurd woman sits at the Jame Mosque in the city of Sanandaj in Kordistan province, 763 km (477 miles) northwest of Tehran, May 10, 2011. REUTERS/Morteza Nikoubazl

Monday, December 16, 2013

Baloch missing person's 2nd phase of 1400 km long march has begun to bring their plight to local & international community

From Karachi to Islamabad a long march has started for the recovery of missing persons from Balochistan.
Baloch missing person's 2nd phase of 1400 km long march has begun to bring their plight to local & international community
The Voice of Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP) has started the second phase of the Long March, this time from Karachi to Islamabad covering a distance of approximately 1,400 kilometers. The first phase of the March started on October 27 from Quetta and ended in Karachi where the marchers demonstrated in front of the Karachi Press Club on November 23. The marchers covered a total of 730 kilometers. In Karachi they carried out a hunger strike and conducted two seminars and two press conferences to bring their plight to the general public and the international community. The marchers were made up of 20 persons representing some of the families of the disappeared and included women, children and the elderly. The marchers were led by Mama Qadeer Baloch, a man of the age of 70.  The participants suffered blistered and bruised feet but have again started a march. This time double the distance of the one they have completed just 19 days after arriving in Karachi. During the first stage the marchers were attacked and threatened and received numerous threatening phone calls from persons believed to be from the security forces. During their protest and hungert srike in Karachi some ministers, including the Minister of Defense, and politicians visited their camp and assured them that their loved ones would be recovered very soon. However, these promises were proved to be false and nothing has been done. Indeed, it was made evident when the former Chief Justice, Iftekhar Chouhdry, in the daily hearing of cases of disappearances instructed the military and the Minister of Defense to produce 35 missing persons who were handed over in 2009 to the Pakistani authorities by the government of Afghanistan. The Malakand jail authority also confirmed that the military took custody of these persons in 2010. Since then, not only are their whereabouts unknown but enforced disappearances have continued unabated. The government has made the excuse that seven out of the 35 persons have gone missing and have never been produced in court. This more than anything else proves how hollow the promises of the Minister of Defence were.


Bugti refugee, Zar Khan Bugti s/o Gulzar Bugti killed in an apparent target killing by the personnel of Pakistani secret agencies in Spin Boldek, Afghanistan.

Bugti refugee, Zar Khan Bugti s/o Gulzar Bugti killed in an apparent target killing by the personnel of Pakistani secret agencies in Spin Boldek, Afghanistan.

Bugti refugee, Nehal Khan Bugti s/o Durk Khan Bugti killed in an apparent target killing by the personnel of Pakistani secret agencies in Spin Boldek, Afghanistan.

Bugti refugee, Nehal Khan Bugti s/o Durk Khan Bugti killed in an apparent target killing by the personnel of Pakistani secret agencies in Spin Boldek, Afghanistan.

The Pakistan Deep State will never learn. On the anniversary of theiThe Pakistan Authorities have banned the only Balochi news channel in the country, Vsh News.

The Pakistan Deep State will never learn. On the anniversary of their defeat in Bangladesh, the Pakistan Authorities have banned the only Balochi news channel in the country, Vsh News. What a disgrace and how Pakistan's foot soldiers in the Canada and the rest of the West will defend such blatant censorship. Shame on them.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Relatives of people who have gone missing in Balochistan set off on a gruelling 1200-kilometre march from Karachi to Islamabad .

Last year it was 14000, now ‪#‎VBMP‬ sources say its 15550+ confirmed cases but still international  human rights organizations are silent.

1500 Kilometers Foot March for Hope , Peace and Justice and Freedom.

1500 Kilometers Foot March for Hope....Per il sicuro recupero di dispersi Baloch persone dei loro familiari facendo lunga marcia da Karachi a Islamabad, che è 1500 km.........................................................Para la recuperación segura de las personas desaparecidas baloch sus familiares haciendo larga marcha de Karachi a Islamabad, que es 1.500 kilometros.......................................For the safe recovery of baloch missing persons their family members doing long march from Karachi to Islamabad which is 1500 km

Sindhis welcome #vbmplongmarch (@mmatalpur behind Mama)

Mama Qadeer Baloch message: "I have just been informed that Allah Bax Somoro editor of Amami Awaaz, a Sindhi Newspaper, has published a statement, attributing it to me, I said Sindhi are not with me. I strongly condemn this statement I have said anything like that. I always spoke for Sindh's unity and I say they are our brothers. Sindhi and Baloch share the same pain and we should cooperate with each other. The agencies have asked him to published this statement to create confusion among us. #vbmplongmarch

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pakistani terror trainer behind Kenya mall attack?

Pakistani terror trainer behind Kenya mall attack?

A Pakistani-origin man is believed to be the security and training chief of al-Qaeda linked Shahab group that carried out the horrific attack at an upscale Kenyan mall killing at least 59 people.
Abu Musa Mombasa, a Pakistani citizen, serves as Shabab’s chief of security and training, the Long War Journal had said in a 2010 report.
Kenyan troops were locked in a fierce firefight with Somali militants inside the Nairobi shopping mall on Sunday, in a final push to end a siege that has left 59 dead, including two Indians, and wounded 200 others with an unknown number of hostages still being held.
Somalia’s al-Qaeda-inspired Shebab rebels said the carnage at the part Israeli-owned complex was in retaliation for Kenya’s military intervention in Somalia, where African
Union troops are battling the Islamists.
Meanwhile, the Twitter account of Somalia’s Shabab terrorists was suspended on Saturday after they used the site to claim responsibility for the attack.
However, the group seems to have launched a new twitter account @HSM-PressOffice.
The Shabab’s previous account, @HSMPress, was suspended in January after it posted photographs of a French commando they killed and threatened to execute Kenyan hostages.
Not to be deterred, they opened another account, @HSMPress1, but were again suspended earlier this month after threatening Somalia’s President.

Jihadi Terrorists kill 75 Church-going Christians in Pakistan

Jihadi Terrorists kill 75 Church-going Christians in Pakistan

This is what 'jihad' looks like. Wake up Muslims and stand up to these jihadis or your days are numbered too. Stop apologizing for these monsters and stop lying about 'true jihad' and the nonsense that no one buys anymore expect bleeding-heart white liberals who will not rescue you.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

shameful jihade terror attack on a shopping mall in Nairobi.

Pictures from the jihadi terror attack on a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya where Muslims were separated from non-Muslims and while the infidels were shot, my fellow Muslims were allowed to flee if they could recite the Quran. Wake up you bleeding heart white liberals, wake up before its too late.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Balochistan observes shutter-down strike on the call of the Baloch National Front.

Strike was observed against the forced disappearances, offensive of forces and extra judiciary murder of Haji Abdul Razzaq Baloch and other Baloch Activist.
BALOCHISTAN:  A complete shutter-down and wheel jammed  strike on Saturday  was  observed in different parts of Balochistan on the call of the Baloch National Front (BNF) against the forced disappearances , offensive of forces and extra judiciary murder of Haji Abdul Razzaq Baloch and other Baloch activists .
Shops and business centers were closed in various parts of Balochistan. Khuzddar, Kallat, Kharan, Panjgoor , Mastong, Pasni, Turbat, Noshki, Tump, Mand, Awaran, Mashkey, Gwadar and overall  Baloch dominated areas of Balochistan.
BNF expressed thanked to transporters, shopkeepers on the accomplishment of successful strike to show their abhorrence against atrocities of occupant state of Pakistan. BNF further said forced disappearances; extra judiciary murder of activists and dumping their mutilated bodies can never put down the spirit of national freedom amongst Baloch nation.  BNF appealed to the international human rights organizations to play immediate role to stop the ongoing genocide and human rights abuses against Baloch nation.

Human rights violations in Balochistan: BNF letter to UN.

Your Excellency
Mr. Ban Ki-moon
Secretary General
United Nations
Subject: Human rights violations in Balochistan

Dear Sir,
The Baloch National Front (BNF), an alliance of Baloch nationalist parties, would like to draw Your Excellency’s attention towards your recent visit to Pakistan which caused heartbreaks among the Baloch people.
Your Excellency, in a speech delivered on August 30 in Switzerland, had said:

“We must ensure that anyone, on any side, who commits war crimes, crimes against humanity or other violations of international human rights or humanitarian law is brought to justice. This is a shared responsibility for this Council, for United Nations Member States, for the international community as a whole. We must use all our many tools to shine the light of human rights everywhere.”
When Your Excellency was in Islamabad on August 13, relatives of hundreds of Baloch missing persons were protesting outside press clubs in Quetta, Karachi and Turbat cities. As we presume that Your Excellency is aware of the missing persons’ phenomenon in Balochistan, we will not indulge into its details. In short, human rights groups have confirmed that thousands of political activists, writers and common Baloch have been abducted by Pakistan’s security forces whose whereabouts are unknown to their families and rest of the world.
Pakistan’s top judge has said they have evidence of Pakistan’s paramilitary troops’ involvement in these abductions. According to Human Rights Watch, tortured bodies of 300 of these missing persons have been found dumped in deserted parts of Balochistan and Karachi. International media calls this kill-and-dump phenomenon Pakistan’s ‘dirty war’.
The BNF and the relatives of missing persons were hoping that Your Excellency will use the influence of his office during his visit to press Pakistani government to stop this ‘dirty war’ against the Baloch people, who are struggling for their right of national independence – a right that is enshrined in the United Nations’ Charter.
However, Your Excellency didn’t say a single word about the issue of Baloch missing persons. A single sentence from Your Excellency’s mouth could have saved several innocent lives, who are in the custody of Pakistan’s security forces. At least, that’s what the relatives of missing persons believe.
We understand that the purpose Your Excellency’s visit was to witness Pakistan’s independence day flag hoisting ceremony on August 14. However, it might not be in Your Excellency’s knowledge that on the same day, on August 14, Pakistan’s security forces raided a house in Turbat city and killed two Baloch youngsters — Reza Jehangir, the Secretary General of the Baloch Students Organization; and Imdad Baloch, a senior member of the Baloch National Movement.
When Your Excellency was attending Pakistan’s Independence Day celebrations, hundreds of Baloch women were protesting in Balochistan’s Turbat city to observe August 14 as a black day. Pakistan’s paramilitary troops fired tear-gas shells and baton-charged the protesters to disperse their rally.
In the night between August 14 and 15, Pakistani forces set on fire a hunger strike camp set up by the relatives of Baloch missing persons outside the Quetta Press Club.
Just two days ago a prominent Baloch journalist and the leader of BNM Haji Razzaq was brutally murdered. He was abducted by security forces 4 months ago.
We don’t know if you should have attended the independence day ceremony of a state that is blamed by human rights groups of mass murdering people living there, but we did see your visit as an opportunity to highlight the issue of human rights abuses in Balochistan. Being the custodian of the UN and the guardian of international laws and instruments, we hope that Your Excellency will play his role in putting an end to human rights violations in Balochistan.
At the end, we want to apologize for some candid remarks we made in this letter, but Your Excellency should know that we, the Baloch people, are really in a messed-up situation.
Yours Truly

Dr. Mannan Baloch
Secretary: Baloch National Front

70 bodies had been found during the tenure of the incumbent government: Nasrullah Baloch

BALOCHISTAN: Voice for Baloch Missing Persons Chairman Nasrullah Baloch said that around 70 bodies had been found from different areas of Balochistan during the tenure of the incumbent government.

Addressing a press conference along with VBMP Vice Chairman Mama Qadeer Baloch at a hunger strike camp outside the Quetta Press Club for the recovery of Baloch missing persons, he said that 26 missing persons’ bodies had been found from different areas of Karachi.

He claimed that missing persons were being killed in fake operations in Bolan,Espalinji and other areas. “We will admit the government’s seriousness [on the issue] after [seeing] their practical steps against the officers who were involved in the kidnapping of Baloch political activists.”
He said his organisation had also provided evidence in the Supreme Court in this regard, and the apex court had passed orders, but no step were taken by the government for the arrest of those involved in enforced disappearances of Baloch missing persons. He urged the United Nation and other international organisations to take notice of human rights violations in Balochistan.

Rehana Baloch and her Husband Qasim Baloch was member of BNM . He killed by Pakistani Army .

شہیدریحانہ بلوچ،گوں وتی لوگواجہ قاسم بلوچ کہ بی این ایم ءِ ممبربوتگ،گوستگیں ماہءَ پاکستانی یذیدی فورسءَ ماں بسیمہءَ ماں اشانی لوگءِ سرا اُ:رش کتءُ شہید کت انت
Rehana Baloch and her Husband Qasim Baloch was member of BNM . He killed by Pakistani Army . Shame on Pakistani army killed innocent political women.

Pakistan should immediately investigate the murder of a Baluch journalist: CPJ

Pakistan should immediately investigate the murder of a Baluch journalist: CPJ

“Haji Abdul Razzaq Baloch’s disappearance and death is another grim reminder of the precarious conditions Baluch journalists face in Pakistan.” – said CPJ’s Asia program coordinator, Bob Dietz.


New York, August 22, 2013– Authorities in Pakistan should immediately investigate the murder of a Baluch journalist whose body was found in Karachi on Wednesday, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Haji Abdul Razzaq Baloch had been missing since March, according to news reports.
Razzaq’s face was mutilated, and his body showed signs of strangulation and torture, according to Agence France-Presse. Razzaq’s family initially denied that the body was that of the journalist, but then later confirmed his identity, reports said.

The journalist’s body was found in the Surjani Town area alongside that of another man from Baluchistan, according to news reports. Unnamed police sources said they found paper slips with the names of both victims along with the bodies, news reports said. At least 16 bodies of Baluch individuals have been found in the Surjani Town area of Karachi in the past six months, according to news reports.
Razzaq, 35, worked as a copy editor for the news desk of the Urdu-language pro-Baluch nationalist newspaper Daily Tawar. He was last seen leaving his friend’s house in the Liyari neighborhood of Karachi on March 24, according to newsreports.
Daily Tawar is known for its coverage of the many conflicts between rival groups and the government. Razzaq was also a supporter of the Baluch National Movement, a nationalist political organization.
Razzaq, who had worked for the Daily Tawar since 2009, briefly left the newspaper after another Daily Tawar journalist was found dead after being reported missing, according to Razzaq’s friend, who spoke to CPJ by email.Javed Naseer Rind was found in November 2011 with multiple bullet wounds in his head and chest, and his body showed signs of torture, news reports said. Rind had been missing for two months.
Razzaq resumed his work at the paper in December 2012.
“Authorities must do everything in their power to thoroughly investigate the motive behind this death and bring the perpetrators to justice to help end this deadly cycle of impunity,” said CPJ’s Asia program coordinator, Bob Dietz. “Haji Abdul Razzaq Baloch’s disappearance and death is another grim reminder of the precarious conditions Baluch journalists face in Pakistan.”
In a press conference at the Karachi Press Club following the journalist’s disappearance in March, Razzaq’s family members accused Pakistani intelligence agencies of being responsible for the abduction, but did not elaborate. CPJ research shows that Pakistan’s intelligence agencies are suspected in a number of disappearances, including the 2011 abduction and murder of Saleem Shahzad.
Journalists from Baluchistan face pressure from a number of sources: pro-Taliban groups and Pakistani security forces and intelligence agencies, as well as Baluch separatists and state-sponsored anti-separatist militant groups.
In May, CPJ published a report, “Roots of Impunity: Pakistan’s Endangered Press and the Perilous Web of Militancy, Security, and Politics,” which found that Pakistani journalists are targeted not only by militants, criminals, and warlords, but also by political, military, and intelligence operatives. Pakistan is ranked one of the deadliest in the world for the press, according to CPJ research.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Afzal Panhwar‬ a student in university Of Sindh‬ chemistry department .

Afzal Panhwar‬ a student in university Of Sindh‬ chemistry department .
He was first president of Student wing of University of Sindh and then he was abducted by terrorist and cruel forces of Pakistan state .
He was in prison of State intelligences forces for 12 months and then was thrown on the road in deadly condition .
After that he was made Central Vice President of Student Wing JSSF‬ .
After that ISI and M.I tried to arrest him from his home and attacked at his home but on the interference of neighbor they left and this time Afzal was saved .
Now when party announced ‪ 14 August  Black Day‬ and called for strike accross the sindh
State terrorists forces arrested more then 100 of our activists and disappeared them in their secrete prison cells .
And then on 15 August I.S.I with the help of hundreds of the Police troops arrested him from University and tortured him ,broke his Right arm and legs and then shoot him at the distance of 4 to 5 feet and declared it as Encounter .
it was totally fake encounter , postpartum report exposed that he was cruelly tortured and then got shoot by Squad at the distance of 4 to 5 feet .

We appeal ‪ ‎World Human Rights‬ organisations and 
 UNO‬ to take notice against abusing of Humanity In Pakistan and military operation against Separatists political parties of Sindh‬ and ‪ Balochistan‬ .


Kissing and shaking hands as they burn Egypt's churches. Way to go jihadis, way to go.

Pakistan nailed, Hafiz Saeed aide and LeT bomber Tunda arrested.

New Delhi: The arrest of Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist Abdul Karim alias Tunda has come as a major boost to the Indian security agencies not only because he was wanted in more than 40 bombings across North India, but also because his arrest has exposed Pakistan's lies on terrorism. The Delhi Police said that Tunda was carrying a Pakistani passport at the time of arrest near the Indo-Nepal border.
Special Commissioner of Delhi Police (Special Cell) SN Shrivastava said Tunda was carrying a Pakistani passport No AC 4413161 issued on January 23, 2013 in the name of Abdul Quddus. Tunda, who was part of India's most wanted list of terrorists handed over to Pakistan, was in contact with LeT chief Hafiz Saeed who had masterminded the deadly November 2008 carnage in Mumbai.
Police said that Tunda is known as the bomb expert in the Laskhar-e-Toiba circle and played a major role in 1993 Bombay serial blasts, Delhi bomb blasts of 1997-98 and serial bombings in the state of UP and also at Panipat, Sonepat, Ludhiana, Hyderabad etc.
Police said Tunda had trained indoctrinated youngsters in preparing bombs with locally available materials like urea, nitric acid, potassium chloride, nitrobenzene and sugar, and planting them at crowded places to cause maximum casualties.
Meanwhile, there were conflicting reports over the circumstances in which Tunda was arrested, with one police source claiming that he was deported from a Gulf country while another source said that Tunda left Karachi around 10 days ago and reached Kathmandu via Dubai. Intelligence agencies were tracking him from Dubai and gave a tip-off to the Special Cell of Delhi Police, which finally nabbed him on Friday from the Indo-Nepal border.
Describing Tunda, against whom an Interpol Red Corner notice was issued in 1996, the security agencies say he would be able to throw some light on Lashkar-e-Toiba's operations in India.
The first breakthrough on Tunda came with the arrest in February 1998 of Tunda's two Bangladeshi 'students', Mato-ur Rehman and Akbar alias Haroon, from Sadar Bazar railway station, New Delhi, police said.
The Delhi Police later arrested 24 other members of the module, including Tunda's confidants, Kamran and Shakeel. There was temporary slowdown in the hunt for Tunda following reports that he was killed in a blast in Bangladesh in 2000.
Before becoming a terrorist, Tunda had worked as a carpenter, scrap dealer and cloth merchant. His younger brother Abdul Malik (a carpenter) is reportedly the only immediate family member alive in India.
Meanwhile, the Home Ministry has complimented the Delhi Police and central intelligence agencies for arresting Abdul Karim Tunda. "Great work by Delhi police and central intelligence agencies for the coordinated effort in arresting Tunda, one of India's most wanted terrorists," Minister of State for Home RPN Singh posted on Twitter.
(with additional inputs from PTI)

Speaker : Major General (Retd) GD Bakshi Seminar on "IB on the Brink?" Politicizing Terror : A disaster in the making.

Speaker : Major General (Retd) GD Bakshi
Seminar on "IB on the Brink?" Politicizing Terror : A disaster in the making

The Rohngiyas and the Buddhists have riots in Myanmar. Where does the terror backlash come? Not in monasteries of Myanmar ... the terror attack comes in India Bodhgaya, Bihar Why?

Because the state in India has successfully commenced the destruction and demoralization of its counter terror agencies- starting with the core organization of the IB. By politicizing terror we have created the most permissive and enabling environment for terrorists to operate. Ashley Tellis said, "India has become a sponge for absorbing terrorism casualties on behalf of the West."

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Abdul Qadir killed 4unidentified persons .

Abdul Qadir killed by 4 unidentified persons , According to Abdul Qadir sons.Adul Qadir sons name shameer Qadir.Qadir way of school to leave shammer to school .shameer have 1st day of school.
Abdul Qadir son 6 year old . Shammer Qadir 6 year old .Shameer 1 day of school.
According to people shammer cried help my pappa ,shameer cried ,shameer cloth by full pappa blood.

Thursday, August 15, 2013