Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pakistani Army continue operation and bombardment.

Occupied Balochistan,TURBAT: The Pakistani occupied forces carried out at dawn Wednesday violent raids on homes in District Turbat city area of Gebun, killed three Baloch citizen and assaulting on women and children.Sources from Turbat told us that that a dozen of Frontier Corps vehicles entered in Gebun; a suburb area of Turbat at five o’clock in the morning and ransacked the house of Shahsawar Baloch before killing his brother Rasool Baksh and younger son Abdul Hakeem Baloch along with one of the guest.

Pakistani forces tried to kidnap Abdul Hakeem Baloch, the younger brother of martyr Aslam Baloch who was killed in raid by Pakistani forces along with three other friends on 27th april 2012. According to sources in retaliation of raid Baloch resisted as a result the troops suffered a deadly blow at the hands of Baloch freedom fighters. The attack came in response to forced entry by the Pakistani frontier corps in a house.

Pakistani Army killed innocent people in Turbath Rasool Baksh and Mula Baksh

According to initial reports by the locals, as many as 14 Frontier Corps were killed in retaliation of raid in “Gebun” area of District Turbat.

It should be remembered that Pakistan's Frontier Corps, Inter-Services Intelligence, Military Intelligence and state-sponsored death squads have been carrying out enforced disappearances, torture and execution-style killings of Baloch freedom activists and intellectuals by abducting them from their houses at dawn or late night. The bodies of the Baloch victims are then thrown in the wilderness.

Sources further informed us that the troops also raided homes in the same areas and patrolled neighborhoods. At the mean times Pakistani forces also kidnapped almost a plenty of citizens in raids in the suburb town of Gebun. Sources said Pakistani forces also physically assaulted a woman as she was trying to prevent the arrest of her son.

It is pertinent to mention here that the incident happened on Wednesday morning when Pakistani forces raided the house of a late Baloch activist named Aslam Baloch to arrest his younger brother for his participation in political activities.

Three Baloch civilian; Abdul Hakeem, Rasool Baksh and Moula Baksh till filling this report were killed and 14 troops died in retaliation during the raid on Wednesday.

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