Saturday, November 17, 2012

Tarek Fatah: White guilt and the islamofascists among us

Their names are Laila Rashidie and Suraia Sahar. Both seemingly born in Canada, both seemingly non-practicing muslims. But they are placed at the nexus of islamofascism and Leftism, that sweet spot of evil and stupidity. And these fifth columnists are not alone.

(There is a "Send Laila Rashidie and Suraia Sahar to Afghanistan" Facebook page, by the way. Oh and there's this:

Contact information (Laila Rashidie):
Twitter: twitter(dot com)/lovelaila3
Facebook: facebook(dot com)/laila.rashidie?fref=ts
Tumblr: luvlaila.tumblr(dot com)
Email: lailajustice@gmail(dot com)

Contact information (Suraia Sahar):
Twitter: twitter(dot com)/SuraiaSahar
Email:suraiasahar@gmail(dot com))

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