Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Plain clothed Pakistani official abducted a Baloch trader in Turbat

<a href='http://balochwarna.com/features/articles.18/Pakistan039s-secret-dirty-war.html'>Pakistan's secret dirty war</a>

Kech : 

Enforce disappearance of Baloch youth continues unabated as Shaheed Ilyas Nizar’s elder brother, Nawab Jan Nizar Baloch was abducted from Turbat on on Thursday morning (22 November 2012).

Nawab Jan, his younger brother and a relative were travelling from Absor to Turbat at “Do Corm River” when plain clothed Pakistani officials abducted.

Nawab Jan’s family told the media that he was not affiliated with any political party, he owns a small business in Turbat city and he was travelling, in his private car, to the city to attend his shop. His path at Corm River was blocked by two cars. His soon as he arrived at the river, the occupants of one car rushed to car and forced him out at gun point. He was then driven towards an identified location.

Nawab’s younger brother Ilyas Nizar, a student of MSc, member of BSO-Azad and a writer for Balochi language magazine ‘Dhorant’, was also abducted by the intelligence agencies of Pakistan on 22 December 2010. His mutilated dead body was found along with body of another CC member of BSO-Azad Qamber Chakar on 5 January 2011 from Pedark area near Turbat, Balochistan.

Anjuman Tajran Turbat [Trade union Turbat] an organization representing shops and other business owners in Turbat town, took out a rally against abduction of Nawab Jan Baloch. Students and other residents also joined the rally as it marched through the city chanting slogans against government. The march ended in a sit-in protest at the office of Deputy Commissioner where they demanded the immediate release of Nawab Jan Nizar Baloch.

Separately, the Baloch Human Rights Organisation also took out protest rallies in Karachi and Quetta demanding the safe return of Nawab Jan Nizar Baloch.

The Baloch Human Rights Organisation (BHRO) urged the United Nations to take notice of in-custody killings and abductions of Baloch youth by Pakistani secret security agencies. The BHRO said Pakistan is continuously committing gross human rights violations in Balochistan by so far the UN has failed to take any action against it.

They appeal to the UN and other international human rights organisation to take notice of the abduction of Nawab Nazar Baloch and thousands of others who are languishing in Pakistani prisons. 

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