Monday, November 5, 2012

Balochistan: Press Clubs held demonstration against threats to journalists’ families

Balochistan: Press Clubs held demonstration against threats to journalists’ families

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Quetta :

All Balochistan Press Clubs held a protest demonstration at Harnai Press Club, on Sunday, to condemn the murder of two young sons of the president of Khuzdar Press Club.

The protesters have demand from the government to arrange strict security measures for the protection of journalists and their families in Balochistan. They alleged that so far not only the government has failed to arrest the alleged killers of journalists but it has also been unable to provide proper security to journalist community. The protester chanted slogans against the government.

The leaders of Harnai Press Club said, “The Khuzdar Press Club is closed from past two months but the government, political parties and civil society are silent and they turned a blind eye on this important issue.”

Addressing the protestors the central press secretary of ‘Balochistan Press Clubs Association’ Haneef Tareen and senior vice president of Harnai Press Club Abdul Malik strongly condemned the killing of two young sons of Nadeem Gargnadi, the president of Khuzdar Press Club. They said that journalists were continuously being harassed since a long time but the government has not taken any steps for their security.

They demanded from the government to immediately arrest those responsible for killing two young sons of the president of Khuzdar Press Club and Abdul Haq Baloch, the general secretary of Khuzdar Press Club.

They also urged the government to compensate the families of murdered journalists and take immediate measures for their protection.

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