Monday, October 22, 2012

Maid to employer: you are granddad of my baby.

Maid to employer: you are granddad of my baby

Also: Maid burns baby's face for pay rise

When a man in Kuwait took his Indian housemaid to hospital for pain and bulging belly, he was surprised to learn she was pregnant although she is not married. His surprise turned into shock when she told him he is the baby’s grandfather.

At first, the employer thought she was joking but quickly dismissed that thought as the maid had never joked with him. When he asked her how, she threw the bombshell at the stunned man — she had a relationship with his 17-year-old son.

Infuriated, the man hurried back home, grabbed his son and began beating him relentlessly as if to wrest a fake confession from him that he was not involved in that affair. But the plain reality is that he was.

“The boy had no choice but to flee home…the man, who was even more furious, returned to hospital and phoned the police, who came and arrested the maid,” the Kuwaiti Arabic language daily Alwatan said.
Maid burns baby’s face for pay rise
An Ethiopian housemaid used a hot iron to burn the face of a two and a half year boy after his father refused to raise her salary and told her to go back home.
A picture published in the Saudi Arabic language daily Alsaudeh showed the hot iron left a big burn mark on the boy’s left cheek under his eye.
The boy’s father Alaa Al Jahni said he had noticed that the maid became hot tempered and hostile after he refused to raise her monthly wage to SR1,500.
“We rejected her demand for a pay rise and told her to go back home next week….she retaliated by burning my son,” he told the paper in the western Red Sea town of Jeddah, where the maid was arrested this week.

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