Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Balochistan: Pakistani security forces abducted four Baloch youth from Turbat

Balochistan: Pakistani security forces abducted four Baloch youth from Turbat

<a href=''>Pakistan's secret dirty war</a>

Kech :

The abduction of Baloch youth continues unabated as Pakistan’s secret agencies whisked away three residents of Gomazi and Malent areas of Tump, Balochistan from Turbat international airport on Sunday morning. Another man has been abducted from Turbat town on October 25.

The abductions took place when two Baloch youth went to the airport to receive a friend, Zahid Baloch, who returned from UAE after three years, on a Sharjah-Turbat bound flight. The men have been arrested, from a security forces check post in the precinct of the airport, on their way back to Gomazi.

According to eye-witnesses account, all three youth were arrested by armed Pakistani officials and quickly shifted towards an unknown location. Two victims, who are brothers, have been named as , Zahid Baloch s/o Haibtan Baloch, Umar Jan Baloch s/o Haibtan Baloch residents of Gomazi area of Turbat, Balochistan whereas third man Fida Baloch, a friend of the two brothers, is a resident of Malant. The men are said to be aged between 20 and 22 years.

In a press conference at Turbat Press Club the family members of the abducted men said, “Zahid Baloch had gone to UAE to make a living three years ago and on Monday he was coming back to his home town in Balochistan for holidays. His brother Umar Jan and  Fida Baloch went to the airport to receive him. The Pakistani security forces stopped the youth at a military check post at exit of the airport and abducted them at gunpoint – family and friends are extremely worried about their safety.”

They further said that the youth were the main bread earners of their families and because of their absence the families will face many hardships. They appealed to the UN and other International human rights organisations to take notice of the arrest of their beloved ones.

Separately the FC and secret agencies of Pakistan abducted another man named, Akhtar Ali s/o Ahmed, from Turbat city in Balochistan. Akhtar Ali is a resident of Dashtmazan Band area of Turbat district. He has been abducted by on Thursday 25th October, only two days before the holy day of Eid.

The sister of Akhtar Ali has been hospitalised as she suffered post trauma because of her brother’s abduction. Mr Ali is the only breadwinner of the family and supporter of his parents and little sister. His parents have urged human rights groups to play their immediate role for safe recovery of their son.

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