Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pakistani terror trainer behind Kenya mall attack?

Pakistani terror trainer behind Kenya mall attack?

A Pakistani-origin man is believed to be the security and training chief of al-Qaeda linked Shahab group that carried out the horrific attack at an upscale Kenyan mall killing at least 59 people.
Abu Musa Mombasa, a Pakistani citizen, serves as Shabab’s chief of security and training, the Long War Journal had said in a 2010 report.
Kenyan troops were locked in a fierce firefight with Somali militants inside the Nairobi shopping mall on Sunday, in a final push to end a siege that has left 59 dead, including two Indians, and wounded 200 others with an unknown number of hostages still being held.
Somalia’s al-Qaeda-inspired Shebab rebels said the carnage at the part Israeli-owned complex was in retaliation for Kenya’s military intervention in Somalia, where African
Union troops are battling the Islamists.
Meanwhile, the Twitter account of Somalia’s Shabab terrorists was suspended on Saturday after they used the site to claim responsibility for the attack.
However, the group seems to have launched a new twitter account @HSM-PressOffice.
The Shabab’s previous account, @HSMPress, was suspended in January after it posted photographs of a French commando they killed and threatened to execute Kenyan hostages.
Not to be deterred, they opened another account, @HSMPress1, but were again suspended earlier this month after threatening Somalia’s President.

Jihadi Terrorists kill 75 Church-going Christians in Pakistan

Jihadi Terrorists kill 75 Church-going Christians in Pakistan

This is what 'jihad' looks like. Wake up Muslims and stand up to these jihadis or your days are numbered too. Stop apologizing for these monsters and stop lying about 'true jihad' and the nonsense that no one buys anymore expect bleeding-heart white liberals who will not rescue you.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

shameful jihade terror attack on a shopping mall in Nairobi.

Pictures from the jihadi terror attack on a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya where Muslims were separated from non-Muslims and while the infidels were shot, my fellow Muslims were allowed to flee if they could recite the Quran. Wake up you bleeding heart white liberals, wake up before its too late.