Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pakistan Taliban members killed near Syrian capital.

File photo of militants in Syria
File photo of militants in Syria

Around 1,000 members of the Pakistani Taliban have been killed in clashes near the Syrian capital city of Damascus, reports say.

According to recent reports, the bodies of the Pakistani Taliban members, who were killed during battles around Syria’s International Airport near Damascus, have been buried in mass graves.

Reports further indicate that the families of those Pakistani Salafists sent into Syria have been staging demonstrations, calling on the Pakistani government to provide information on their whereabouts.

Many Salafists from Pakistan have been illegally sent into Syria through the Saudi and Qatari intelligence services.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011. Many people, including large numbers of army and security personnel, have been killed in the violence.

A recent UN report has revealed that militants from 29 countries have so far filtered into Syria to fight against the government of President Bashar al-Assad, most of whom are extremist Salafists.

Damascus says certain Western states, especially the United States, and their regional allies are fueling the unrest.


The Hamas-Hezbollah split is now complete after the Palestinian Islamists admit to training Syrian jihadis fighting the Assad regime.

 Hezbollah urges Hamas members and officials to ‘leave Lebanon immediately.

Lebanese Shiite movement’s decision comes as response to Hamas’ role in ongoing war against Assad regime in Syria.

BEIRUT - The powerful Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah called on Hamas members and officials who are still present in Lebanon to leave the country 'immediately and within hours.' The decision comes as a response to the Palestinian Islamist movement’s role in the ongoing war in Syria against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.
Media sources close to the Palestinian national liberation movement Fatah in Lebanon said a Hezbollah senior security official informed Hamas representative in Lebanon, Ali Baraka, that all of those related to Hamas on the Lebanese territory became have become unwelcome.
The military unit of Hamas has broken ties with former ally Syrian President Bashar Assad and has begun training members of the opposition’s Free Syrian Army in Damascus, according to a report by The Times of London.
Anonymous diplomatic sources told the Times, earlier this month, that members of the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades were training Free Syrian Army units in the rebel-held neighborhoods of Yalda, Jaramana and Babbila in the Syrian capital.
“The Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades have been training units very close to Damascus. These are specialists. They are really good,” a Western diplomat with contacts in both the Assad regime and the Syrian opposition told the London daily newspaper.
According to the Times, Hamas has been helping the rebels in digging a tunnel beneath Damascus in preparation for an attack on the city, a skill that Hamas has honed by constructing tunnels to smuggle supplies from Egypt into the Gaza Strip.
A Palestinian source from Lebanon’s Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp reportedly said that Hamas’s aid to the rebels is common knowledge, however Hamas officials have denied any affiliation with Syrian rebels.
The political bureau of Hamas was situated in Damascus. The organization’s leaders enjoyed the protective patronage of the Syrian regime and aid from Hezbollah.
By late December 2011, when the Syrian uprising started shifting into high gear, Khaled Mashaal, Hamas’s top political leader, quietly left Damascus in February last year and relocated to Qatar.
That same month, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh allegedly declared the movement’s support for the Syrian opposition.
Syrian state-run media accused Mashaal of being “ungrateful and treacherous.”
As far as Khaled Meshaal is concerned, the underlying logic is simple: His movement’s new patron and funder, the Qatari Emir Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani, is a vocal opponent of Assad’s regime.

While the Islamic regime in Iran continues to slaughter its own citizens, sponsor terror.

While the Islamic regime in Iran continues to slaughter its own citizens, sponsor terror, there are Canadians who will celebrating the mass murderer Ayatollah Khomeini in Toronto on June 2, 2013 at a mosque in Scarborough. Yes, these are Canadians who hate the West, its values and have taken residency right in our midst, celebrating our enemies and making no apologies for this insult.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

28 may: Pakistan’s nuclear blast in Balochistan on 28 May 1998.28 May: Baloch Community London to protest against Pakistan’s nuclear tests

28 May: Baloch Community London to protest against Pakistan’s nuclear tests

The Baloch Community London announced to organise a protest demonstration in front of British Parliament on 28 May 2013. The protest will coincide with the 15th anniversary of Pakistan’s nuclear blast in Balochistan on 28 May 1998.

The protest will be held outside British Parliament close to West Minister underground station from 4pm – 6pm. The organisers of the protest have appealed the Baloch activists and other human rights campaigners who are against nuclear arms race to join the protest.

They also appealed the British and other international media to help Baloch people raise their voice against Pakistan’s nuclear weapons in Balochistan.

It is pertinent to mention that on 28 May 1998 Pakistan conducted six nuclear tests in Balochistan. These nuclear tests were conducted in Raas Koh area of Chaghai district in Balochistan.

The explosions reportedly yielded 52 KT (kilotons) of radiotoxic nuclide. The tests impacts have been disastrous in terms of human costs; loss of livestock and environment. For instance, water has become contaminated and new born babies are affected with mysterious diseases. People in the region suffer from cancer, skin and eye complications.

This inhumane act carried out by Pakistani state in complete secrecy without the knowledge of Baluch people and political leadership.

The blasts were conducted during Nawaz Sharif’s era in 1998. This year also the protests in Balochistan and abroad are coinciding with Nawaz Sharif’s success in election.

The Baloch Community London appealed the Baloch Diaspora in other countries to organise protest demonstration and meeting to spread awareness about the effect of Pakistan’s nuclear test on Baloch people.

Baloch National Voice, Baloch Liberation Struggle, the Baloch Salvation Front and Baloch Student Organisation-Azad have also announced protests and meetings on 28 May in Balochistan. In their separate statement they urged the Baloch nation to observe this day as a “Day of Mourning” and organise public events to express their dislike for nuclear weapons.

A brave British woman shows why Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka is right when he calls England a ‘cesspit’ breeding Islamists.

A brave British woman shows why Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka is right when he calls England a ‘cesspit’ breeding Islamists. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Effects of Pakistan’s nuclear tests in Balochistan.

On May 28, 1998, Pakistan tested its nuclear capability in the hills of Chagai in northwest Balochistan. For many people in Pakistan, the day since has been of pride. They call it “Yaum-e-Takbeer,” or Allah’s greatness day, but for people in Balochistan, it is a day to mourn because of the problems they faced in the aftermath of the nuclear tests. Allah was not so great for Baloch people on that day.
The day became a looming nightmare that haunted Balochs in the years to come because of the problems they faced due to nuclear radiation from these tests.
In many parts of Balochistan, wealth is not measured in terms of money or personal belongings. People value the sheep and cattle they breed. For them, they are everything. They provide them sustenance and shelter. They are the ultimate source of livelihood. They make their tents, clothes, tapestry and different handicrafts from their wool. They also sell some of their work in the market. Sheep are also sold in the market, providing them with another source of income.
A large section of population in district Chagai and its adjacent areas heavily depend upon sheep breeding and agriculture. They cultivate grapes, pomegranate, figs and vegetables. The water is scarce in most of Balochistan, but some sporadic streams in the hills provide enough water for plantation.

But with the nuclear tests, they lost it all. Their sheep died, water evaporated with no rain as the radiation caused drastic changes in the environment. In the subsequent years, much of Balochistan was marked with a lingering drought.
After the nuclear tests, it is reported that almost half of the cattle of people in these areas died because of nuclear radiation. Many cases of human loss was also reported. Around 60 people were reported to have died before the end of 2000 due to diseases uncommon before in the area.
The worst of all was health problems that these poor people faced and are still facing due to the ‘Islamic bomb.’ This slideshow above shows kids from these areas who were born with disfigured external organs.

Pakistan, Iran and China are illegally misusing Baloch country for testing and hiding nukes.

World Baloch Women’s Forum demands Implementation of CTBT and Vienna Convention INFCIR/556.

File Photo
Prof. Naela Quadri Baloch
The World Baloch Women’s Forum President Professor Naela Quadri Baloch, Secretary General Dr. Murwarid Amiri, Organizer Afghanistan Ms. Mahkan Naroi and Organizer United Kingdom Ms. Negar HossienBor declared that May 28 1998 was a black day in history when Pakistan tested the made in China nukes on Baloch soil that resulted in sudden deaths of thousands of innocent people who were totally unaware of radioactivity poisoned the air water and soil.
Skin, eye and lungs were the first targets of nuclear dust. Soil moisture evaporated in radius of a thousand km resulted in drought for 5 years, 90% cattle and wild life died, survived are facing displacements, cancers, and poverty, abnormal and before time childbirth is an ongoing routine case in the hit area. International community, support and rights organizations kept silent; Baloch faced it in isolation and loneliness.
Treaties on non-proliferation of nukes never applied to stop the nuclear terrorism on Baloch Country. We demand implementation of CTBT, Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage INFCIR/556 for the responsible countries including sanctions on them.
may 28 stmnt

"Height of Barbarism " Few days old Mutilated dead body found dumped in Chahbahar western Balochistan.

"Height of Barbarism "
Few days old Mutilated dead body found dumped in 
Chahbahar western Balochistan ,killed by Iranian forces.

Stop Pakistani Nukes, Stop Global terrorisam.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Baloch pro-freedom political parties condemn the military operation in Makuran Balochistan.

Quetta Balochistan:The pro-independence Baloch political parties in their separate statements have strongly condemned the ongiong military operation in several areas of district Kech in Balochistan from past several days. 

The Baloch National Movement, the Baloch National Voice, the Baloch Republican Party, the Baloch Student Organisation-Azad, the Baloch Liberation Struggle and the Baloch Salvation Front (an alliance of Baloch Liberation Party, Baloch Gohaar Movement & Baloch Watan Movement) have termed the ongiong military operation the state’s reaction agaisnt the successful boycott of Pakistan elections by Baloch nation. 

Terming the military operation state terrorism the BNV said Pakistani forces have lost the battle on moral grounds and they have failed to defeat the Baloch freedom fighters. Hence, they were conducting operations against innocent Baloch civilians. 

The BNV said Baloch national struggle cannot be defeated by such barbaric acts of the state in fact such inhuman acts will further provoke people to stand firmly against the occupying forces and intensify their struggle for freedom.

The BRP has also strongly condemn the ongoing military operation and said that the Baloch people will not abandon their struggle for national liberation. The Baloch Party paid tributes to all those who have been killed during operation and said that Pakistan has intensified its atrocious attacks on Baloch people but such barbarism cannot deter the freedom struggle.

The Baloch National Movement said that the current Pakistani state atrocities in Balochistan have surpassed the barbarism of Changez Khan and Halaku Khan. Pakistan and its military will be remembered as savages in the history of mankind. The BNM spokesperson said that Pakistani forces killed Jalil son of Fakeer Mohammad and abducted his friend from Turbat on the night of 25th of May. The BNM vowed that Baloch nation will continue the struggle for liberation. 

BSO-Azad in its statement said yesterday the Pakistan forces started a military operation in Tump area of Balochistan which is still ongiong. This operation is a continuation of the military offensive started on 24 May in Malant and Gomazi region of Tump, Balochistan. 

In Malikabad 70 year old Ghulam Mostafa and Allah Bakhsh Baloch were killed during operation and several houses have been burned down. The house of a famous Baloch musician and singer Menhaj Mukhtar Baloch was also attacked and destroyed. At least three Baloch activists have been abducted during yesterday’s operation. 

“Pakistani security forces have looted valuables and tortured women and children during these brutal operations. The Pakistani troops that were sent in Balochistan during the election have now started a full fledge operation in several area of Makuran, Balochistan,” Said BSO-Azad.

The Baloch Liberation Struggle and the Baloch Salvation Front also expressed similar concerns and strongly condemned the military operations in Balochistan. They said that Baloch nation has given enormous sacrifices to defend their land and the occupying states should know that they will never be able to rule Balochistan with sheer use of guns and bombs. The Baloch nation will continue to resist the occupying forces and their suppressive policies against Baloch people.

Military Operation in Tump Balochistan ; Baloch musician's house burned down, two killed.

  Kech:Pakistani military is conducting an operation in several areas of Kech district in Balochistan from past several days. Today early morning the military started an offensive operation in Tump region of Balochistan. 

According to eye witnesses’ account, “First they opened fired, and then they broke into the houses looting away valuables. Women and children kept crying watching forces burn down their houses.”

Horrified locals of Koshkalat, a small village located a few miles from Tump, dragged their children inside their homes, locked their windows and closed the doors when Pakistani forces besieged the entire area a day after burning down houses in nearby Gomazi village. 

25 armoured vehicles and around 200-300 personnel took part in the bloody operation that killed at least two people and left several other homeless. 

Local sources reported that the army officials stormed every other residence in the corner looting away valuables and setting the houses on fire. Army fired live ammunition and used tear-gas throughout the operation.

Among many houses burned by Pakistan army one the houses belonged to Menhaj Mukhtar Baloch, a singer and musician, house of Fakeer Mohammad Baloch has also been burned to ashes.

Two men including a 70yr old elder Ghulam Mustafa and Allah Baksh Dad, a local farmer where shot dead during the operation. The locals were not allowed to take the bodies until the military left from the area. 

Those who lost their houses because of the Pakistani military operation were struggling with the emotional trauma and women and children moved to help themselves building huts out of the wreckage of their burned houses. 

According to latest reports the army was headed towards another nearby village, Malkabad, and broke into Mulla Saif's house and burned down a few others. The entire village was besieged for few hours cutting off all road connections. Mobile networks were reportedly jammed during the operation.

Bullet-riddled body found: Meanwhile, another bullet-riddled body of a Baloch Missing Person was found in the suburbs of Mand. Body was identified as Babu Baloch, a resident of Soru, Balochistan, Levies officials confirmed. Babu Baloch was abducted by Pakistani forces some time ago. His date of abduction could not be ascertained so far

he houses of poor Baloch villagers set ablaze by Pakistani forces in different areas of Tump, including Gomazi, Sarii bazaar, Cheeri bazaar and Shankimn


Balochistan: Bodies of another two Baloch youth found in Nazirabad.


<a href=''>Nawab Bugti: ‘Riding the camel with reins in my hand’ lives in our hearts</a> Kech:Brutally tortured and bullet-ridden bodies of two previously abducted Baloch have been found in Nazirabad area of Balochistan on Sunday morning.

The bodies have later been identified as that of Asim Baloch a resident of Nazirabad and Abdul Rauf Baloch a resident of Malikabad region of Balochistan.

According to sources Asim Baloch s/o Faqir Mohammad was abducted on 2nd February 2013 by the Pakistani secret agencies while he was on his way back after attending the BNF rally in Turbat. He was abducted by forces in front of his wife and Children. Abdul Rauf was reportedly abducted on 14 May 2013 from his house in Malikabad, Balochistan.

Meanwhile, the Pakistani security forces continued brutal military operation in several region of Turbat for the third consecutive day. Several houses have been attacked, looted and burned down.

The house of a commander of Baloch National Liberation Front (BNLF) Mr Mohammad Bakhsh aka Jagu Baloch was also reportedly attacked. The electricity to the house was cut off and door and windows of the house were damaged during operation. Pakistani forces also looted valuables.

At least one person namely Tufail son of Akram Baloch have been abducted and shifted to an unknown location. 

Balucherna har ingen tilltro presidentvalet

Publicerad: den 21 maj 2013

I dagarna presenteras kandidaterna till det iranska presidentvalet som hålls den 14 juni. Bland minoritetsgruppen balucherna är intresset för valet ljummet – de är ett av de mest diskriminerade och isolerade folkslagen i landet och få av dem tror att valet kommer att göra skillnad för deras situation.

Under det förra presidentvalet 2009 bildades den Gröna Rörelsen till stöd för den reformistiska kandidaten Mousavi.
Han sitter nu i husarrest och den Gröna Rörelsens förhoppningar om att tidigare president Khatami, som också anses stå för en reformistisk politik, skulle ställa upp är nu borta.
Men för landets minoritetsbefolkning gör det liten skillnad: de flesta deltog inte i protesterna 2009 och de anser inte att den Gröna Rörelsen representerar deras intressen.
Utöver den persiska majoritetsbefolkningen så finns det sex etniska minoritetsgrupper i Iran, azerer, kurder, lurer, turkmener, araber och balucher.
Även om alla dessa grupper har diskriminerats under större delen av Irans historia, så har diskrimineringen mot de sunnimuslimska minoritetsgrupperna hårdnat sedan uppkomsten av den shiamuslimska teokratin efter revolutionen 1979.
De flesta sunnimuslimer i Iran är antingen araber, kurder eller balucher. Av dessa är balucherna den grupp som är mest isolerad från händelserna i huvudstaden Tehran. I Iran bor det runt 1,5-2 miljoner balucher i den sydöstra provinsen Sistan-Baluchistan vid gränsen till Pakistan. Större delen av deras historiska hemland Baluchistan ligger idag i Pakistan – där det täcker runt 40 procent av landets yta. En liten del finns också i Afghanistan.
Den balushiska befolkningen har ett eget språk, en egen kultur, och de klär sig fortfarande dagligen i traditionella balushiska kläder. Balucher är öppet diskriminerade i Iran. Trots hög utbildningsnivå hos många, även kvinnor, är inga höga tjänstemän balucher och, till skillnad från på Shans tid, så är de inte välkomna inom varken polis eller militär.
Under sina åtta år vid makten så har sittande president Ahmedijan aldrig besökt provinsen och den officiella ursäkten är säkerhetsproblem – balucherna beskrivs som hårdföra extremister och utländska gäster varnas ofta från att besöka provinsen.
– Regimen utför terrordåd och säger att de gjorts i vårt namn, de gör det för att de vill att vi ska få dåligt rykte och för att vår röst inte ska respekteras internationellt – vi är ett starkt och stolt folk, men vi är ett fredligt folk, säger Jahan, en baluchisk man i staden Chabahar.
Diskrimineringen på arbetsmarknaden leder till att många balucher i dag tvingas livnära sig på att smuggla varor över gränsen till Pakistan. Enligt balushiska källor är det vanligt att smugglare som hittas av de iranska myndigheterna dödas på plats. Samma källor uppger att de iranska myndigheterna dagligen dödar runt 10-15 balucher, men uppgifterna är omöjliga att bekräfta då internationell närvaro i provinsen är i stort sett obefintlig.
– Vår situation kan likställas med palestiniernas, men ingen skriver om oss för ingen känner till oss – vad ska vi göra för att folk ska lyssna på oss? frågar Shir, en medelålders man som är utbildad i Indien.
Det enda sättet för balucherna att kommunicera med omvärlden är via internet, och då speciellt Facebook. Men regimens strikta censur gör att det känner sig osäkra på hur länge till de kommer kunna använda denna kommunikationskanal. Deras andra fönster till omvärlden är satellit-tv, främst BBC Persian och VoA Persian, men de är kritiska till att även dessa västbaserade tv-kanaler enbart fokuserar på den persiska majoritetsbefolkningen.
– Vad vi behöver är internet via satellit – då kanske vi skulle kunna ha en chans att kommunicera med omvärlden, och få berätta vår historia och om våra förhoppningar för framtiden”, säger 30-årige Massod som är utbildad dataingengör.
Förhoppningarna om ett enat och självständigt Balushistan är i dag små. Men önskan är en federal iransk stat, i vilken balucherna har självbestämmanderätt i sin egen provins. Så länge som ledarna av den Gröna Rörelsen inte pratar om dessa frågor, kommer de inte få baluchernas stöd. Det var därför som de, trots sitt motstånd mot regimen i Tehran, inte deltog i protesterna efter presidentvalet 2009.
– Som medmänniskor led vi när vi såg på BBC Persian hur demonstranter dödades på gatorna i Tehran, men det var inte våra protester – det handlade inte om oss och därför deltog vi inte heller, säger Jahan.
De som deltog i protesterna 2009 medger att det endast handlade om persernas rättigheter, och att den Gröna Rörelsen till stora delar består av medelklassungdomar från de större städerna.
– Vi måste inte bara enas med minoritetsbefolkningen, säger en 24-årig kvinna i Tehran. Men också med arbetarklassen, annars har vi ingen chans, lägger hon till.
Utsikterna är att detta kommer att hända under årets presidentval är små. Regimen har protesterna från 2009 i gott minne och censuren av media och internet är nu hårdare än någonsin. Trots det finns det en förhoppning om att förändring är möjlig i framtiden. Regimen anses befinna sig i en återvändsgränd och uppmaningar till folket om vikten av att rösta mottas med skepsis.
– De säger att val betyder demokrati, men vad är det för poäng med att rösta om vi inte har frihet? kommenterar Shir.
Lotta Westerberg
Not: Namnen är fingerade för att skydda de intervjuade.

Fakta Den Gröna Rörelsen
Den Gröna Rörelsen bildades under presidentvalet 2009 till stöd för den reformistiske presidentkandidaten Mir-Hussein Mousavi.
Trots att han har ett stort folkligt stöd förlorade han valet mot den sittande presidenten Ahmadinejad.
Detta ledde till starka protester och anklagelser om valfusk. Protesterna slogs ner hårt av myndigheterna, och många av rörelsens ledare fängslades.
Mousavi själv sattes i husarrest tillsammans med sin fru.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Shaheed Umar Jan s/o Haibtan: Extremely tortured dead body of a Baloch missing person .

The world, including the Islamic community does not see the Baloch genocide.Most of the international community ,world nations, including Islamic countries associated with Pakistan's interests????
Security forces in occupied Balochistan tootaly against of Baloch traditions and human rights are openly engaged in  against of Baloch nation .This is apparently threatening the basic laws of Saudi Mufti spiritual struggle and the United Nations and  Including international media and human rights organizations in the world  as the all  are involved in the genocide on Balochistan??????

24/5/2013 Shaheed Umar Jan s/o Haibtan: Extremely tortured dead body of a Baloch missing person Shaheed Umar jan s/o Haibtan residents of Gomazi Tump Occupied Balochistan was found dumped at Gomazi cross today .He was abducted by pakistani security agencies from Airport Road Turbat about 7 months ago.
 Umar Jan s/o Haibtan: Extremely tortured dead body 

 Umar Jan s/o Haibtan: Extremely tortured dead body 
Umar Jan Baloch

Us House And Senate Representatives Urged To Speak Out Against Ethnic Repression In Iran And Pakistan.

Mr Boladai and Mr Dorani urged the US lawmakers to pressure Iran and Pakistan to stop the systematic repression exerted upon the secular Baloch people.
US House and Senate Representatives Urged To Speak Out

Brussels, 21 May 2013 - In a series of meetings organised in Washington D.C. on 1-9 May 2013 by the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), Nasser Boladai and Aziz Dorani, both member of the Balochistan Peoples Party (BPP) engaged in constructive dialogues with members of the US Congress and Senate, regarding the alarming human rights situation facing the ethnic Baloch people in Iran and Pakistan. Mr Boladai and Mr Dorani urged the US lawmakers to pressure Iran and Pakistan to stop the systematic repression exerted upon the secular Baloch people.
Following a brief historical background on the region of Balochistan, from its independence to its division and annexation into Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran, the heart of the discussions lay in the severity of the human rights violations including arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances, acts of torture and extra-judicial killings. The Baloch delegation highlighted the poor access to education and basic services, restrictions on the freedom of religion and the space for political organizations to campaign for the rights of the Baloch.

The growing presence of China in the resource-rich region was of much interest to the Congressmen, with Mr. Boladai stressing that the economic benefits did not reach the Baloch communities. Due to its geostrategic location, Balochistan is intensively used as a platform for drug trafficking and an important channel for religious extremists to convey their funds from neighbouring countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Gulf states. The geopolitical importance of the region is of “national interest for the United States”, as many Congressmen concorded.

Iran is a multinational state comprised of Ahwazi Arab, Azerbaijani Turk, Baloch Fars, Kurd and Turkmen, making of Iran a country of minorities instead of a pure Persian state as is mostly portrayed. Hence, BPP and the Congress of Nationalities for a Federal Iran (CNFI), of which Mr Boladai is also a member, struggle for an Iran as a federation where all nationalities would be recognised and free to practice their religion, culture and language.

The Baloch delegation called on US House and Senate representatives to:
1- Organize a Congressional Hearing on the situation of nationalities in Iran and on human rights violations in Pakistan and Iran in the Balochistan region;
2- Support the resolution introduced to the US House of Representatives in February 2012, which called for the self-determination of Baloch people;
3- Support the resolution introduced to the US House of Representatives in April 2013 supporting Voice of America to broadcast in the Baloch language;
4- Support the different nationalities in Iran under the CNFI, in order to become an effective and inclusive opposition to the Iranian regime.

Islamists in London taunt police with chants of 'Allah O Akbar'/ Look at the cowardly UK cops run for cover as jihadis chase them. Unbelievable.

VBMP to intensify its protest if the government fails to produce abducted Baloch in one month.

<a href=''>Bodies of evidence</a>  News:Chairman for Voice for Baloch Missing Persons, Nasurullah Baloch, said Pakistan has escalated abduction and kill and dump policy in Balochistan after the so called elections. He gave a one-month ultimatum to the government to discover all the abducted Baloch.

Mr Baloch called for a sit in protest in front of governor and chief minister houses for one weak. Vice chairman Abdul Qadeer Baloch was also present.

Nasurullah Baloch further said because of human rights violations by Pakistani agencies in Balochistan the families of disappeared Baloch suffering from mental torture. “The dumping of bodies of is still continuing unabated,” Said Nasrullah.

He said after the so called election 10 Baloch have been killed and their bodies were dumped, despite the vows and promises of the parties who won in this election to end the enforced disappearances and extra judicial killings.

“We give one month to the new government to end the abductions of Baloch activists. If they fail to do so we will intensify our protest. The first stage of our protest will be a sit-in-protest in front of the house of governor and chief minister for a weak. If the new set up did not take any step to solve the issue then they will be responsible for the situation afterward,” Said Nasurullah Baloch.

He appealed to the Chief Justice of Pakistan to conduct the hearings about Baloch missing person in Quetta because the families cannot afford to go to Islamabad.

He said although Supreme Court has ordered to release the missing person but it seems the responsible are not following the orders of Supreme Court.

He said international organizations should also play role to end this human catastrophe. While answering a question Mr Baloch said our protest will continue despite giving a one month notice. We will appeal for shutter down and announce the sit-in-protest date if this government fails to fulfil our demands.

Amnesty International | Working to Protect Human Rights 

Enforced disappearances

The Supreme Court was granted unprecedented access to some victims of enforced disappearances, including seven surviving members of the “Adiala 11” in February, and several others from Balochistan throughout the year. The Chief Justice threatened to order the arrest of law enforcement personnel for failing to provide a legal basis for arrests and detentions in Balochistan, and the Peshawar High Court continued to pressure the authorities to provide details of all individuals held in security detention in the northwest tribal areas. However, reports of enforced disappearances continued across the country, especially in Balochistan province and the north-west tribal areas; no serving or retired security personnel were brought to justice for their alleged involvement in these or other violations. The UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances made its first ever visit to the country in September, but key officials refused to meet them, including the head of the Commission of Inquiry on Enforced Disappearances, Chief Justices of the Supreme Court and most High Courts, and senior security and military representatives.
  • The body of Baloch Republican Party leader Sangat Sana was found dumped on the outskirts of Turbat, Balochistan, on 13 February. More than two years earlier, he was seen being taken by several men in plain clothes at a police roadblock at the Bolan Pass on the Quetta-Sindh highway.      

Abuses by armed groups

The Pakistani Taliban, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, the Balochistan Liberation Army and other armed groups targeted security forces and civilians, including members of religious minorities, aid workers, activists and journalists. They carried out indiscriminate attacks using improvised explosive devices and suicide bombs.
  • The Pakistani Taliban announced a ban on health workers in the tribal areas until the USA ceased its programme of “targeted killing” there. An ICRC nurse was killed in April. Nine mostly women health workers administering polio vaccinations were killed in co-ordinated attacks in Peshawar, Nowshera and Charsadda in the north-west, and the southern city of Karachi over three days in December.
  • Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claimed responsibility for the execution-style killing of at least 14 people during an attack on a bus carrying Shi’a Muslim pilgrims from Quetta to Iran on 28 June. The group was responsible for at least eight attacks across Pakistan, which claimed 49 lives.
  • Senior Awami National Party politician Bashir Ahmed Bilour and eight others were killed in a Pakistani Taliban suicide bombing in Peshawar on
  • 22 December as they left a political rally.

Freedom of expression

Journalists remained under serious threat from state security forces, armed opposition and other groups, particularly in Balochistan and Sindh provinces, and the north-west tribal areas. At least eight journalists were killed during the year. Several journalists claimed to have been threatened for reporting on the military, political parties or armed groups.
  • Journalist Mukarram Aatif was shot dead during evening prayers in a mosque in Charsadda city on 17 January. He had earlier resettled there from his native Mohmand Tribal Agency following death threats over his reporting from the Pakistani Taliban, which claimed responsibility for the killing.
  • On 19 May, the bullet-riddled body of Express News television correspondent Razzaq Gul was found dumped on the outskirts of Turbat, Balochistan. He had been kidnapped the previous day. The authorities failed to bring the perpetrators to justice.
  • Senior broadcaster Hamid Mir escaped an assassination attempt in November when a bomb under his car failed to detonate. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the attempt.
The government occasionally blocked websites, including YouTube and Facebook, without explanation or for content deemed offensive to religious sentiments. The courts threatened to bring criminal proceedings against journalists under contempt of court laws for reports criticizing the judiciary.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bullet-ridden bodies found in Karachi have been identified as Baloch Missing Persons.

Karachi: Two mutilated bodies that were discovered in Mangho Peer area of Karachi on 19 May have been identified as that of Hanif and Nawaz Marri Baloch on Tuesday.
The victims were residents of Hub town of Balochistan and were reportedly abducted few months ago. However, the exact date of their abduction could not be ascertained immediately.
The bodies were kept at the Edhi morgue for identification since their recovery.
It is pertinent to mention that three more bullet-ridden bodies were found on the same day. Naseer Ahamd Baloch was discovered in Khuzdar and  Shahzeb Baloch his brother Shahnoor Baloch bodies were found from Murgaap, Turbat.  Naseer was reportedly an activist of Baloch Republican Party and a resident of Zindapeer area of Balochistan.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Bullet-ridden bodies found in Karachi have been identified as Baloch residents of Hub.

Karachi:Two mutilated bodies that were discovered in Mangho Peer area of Karachi on 19 May have been identified as that of Hanif and Nawaz Marri Baloch on Tuesday. 

The victims were residents of Hub town of Balochistan and were reportedly abducted few months ago. However, the exact date of their abduction could not be ascertained immediately. 

The bodies were kept at the Edhi morgue for identification since their recovery.

It is pertinent to mention that the bullet-ridden body of Naseer Ahamd Baloch was discovered in Khuzdar, Balochistan on same. Naseer was reportedly an activist of Baloch Republican Party and a resident of Zindapeer area of Balochistan. 

,ﺗﻨﻬﻨﺠﻲ ﮘﻮڙﻫﻦ ﻣﺎﻥ ﻻﺷﻮﻥ ﭤﻮ ڪﺮﻧﺪﻭ ڏﺳﺎﻥ

,ﺗﻨﻬﻨﺠﻲ ﺳڏڪﻦ ﻣﺎﻥ ﻧﻌﺮﺍ ﭤﻮ ﺳﻨﮅ ﺟﺎ ﭔﮅﺍﻥ
ﻻﺵ ﻣﻨﻬﻨﺠﻮ ڏﺳﻲ ﮀﻮ ﭤﻲ ﺭﻭﺋﻴﻦ ﺍﻣﺎﻥ!
 ﻣﺎﻥ ﺗﻪ ﺟﻴﺌﺮﻭ ﺁﻫﻴﺎﻥ ڏﺱ ﺷﻬﻴﺪﻥ ﺟﻴﺌﺎ

Monday, May 20, 2013

Bodies of two previously abducted Baloch discovered in Turbat

Mutilated and bullet ridden dead bodies of 
two Baloch brothers were found in Murgaab area of Balochistan on Sunday morning. 

The victims’ identity has been ascertained as Shahzaib and Shahnoor Baloch. Hospital sources said that the men were subjected to inhuman torture and then electrocuted to death. 

Sources reported that both brothers were residents of Khodabadan area of Panjgur, Balochistan. They were abducted on 11 May 2013 during an operation by Pakistani military on the request of pro-Pakistani Baloch nationalist parties. 

“The new government has not yet taken control of the affairs; the bodies of Baloch youth have already started surfacing which is an indication that the new government will not be able to restrain the infamous ISI and the military,” Said Baloch human rights activists Dr Mostafa Baloch. 

It is pertinent to mention that Pakistani military and F.C has abducted more than 200 Baloch during offensives a week before the national elections of Pakistan. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Six Baloch abducted and a woman seriously injured during New Kahan operation


The Pakistani forces have raided New Kahan in the early hours of Wednesday and abducted at least 6 Baloch from New Kahan in a Wednesday morning.

New Kahan, which has earned the name of Ghaza Strip Balochistan because of continuous raids, saw the wrath of Pakistani forces once again when 20 vehicles entered the area and started a house-to-house search.

The brutal search operation continued for 3 hours. Women and children were maltreated, which resulted in serious head injuries to a woman who is in critical condition. The forces also looted valuables of the residents during the operation.

The forces, which included personnel of notorious intelligence agencies and regular army aided with paramilitary, abducted six Baloch and took them to unspecified location. The abducted include Raaz Mohammad Marri, Lal Mohammad s/o Yaar Mohammad Marri, Shaden s/o Shadmaan Marri, Shadi Gul s/o Shadmaan Marri, Wali Khan s/o Murad Khan and Ghani Khan s/o Murad Khan.

Ghani Khan s/o Murad Khan is a special child who is mentally challenged and cannot speak and understand anything but the forces did not even spare him.

The locals of New Kahan said that all the abducted Baloch are labourers who work in the nearby vegetable Market.

The state brutalities against people of New Kahan stated soon after the Pakistani dictator came into power though a military coupe. Several residents of New Kahan are have already been abducted by the forces and their whereabouts and fate is still unknown.

It must be remembered that Pakistani forces have intensified their brutalities on Baloch as the elections are approaching. The raid on New Kahan is the continuity of same military raids.