Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mutilated body of missing Baloch student found near Kalat Balochistan

Kalat :Body of previously missing Baloch students was found in Gedar area near Kalat town on Balochistan on Saturday. 

According Balochistan media reports passerbys spotted a body in Gedar area of Kalat and informed authorise. The local administration took the body in control and shifted to hospital where it was identified as that of Hasan Langov Baloch. 

Mr Langov was reportedly abducted in February 2009 from Mongchar area of Balochistan along Mehrullah Baloch who is still missing. Two other Baloch activists, Abdul Rauf and Yahya Baloch were shot dead during the same period. 
<a href=''>Pakistan's secret dirty war</a>
Baloch political parties have term the killing of Hasan Langov the continuation of ongiong abductions and discovery of mutilated bodies of abducted Baloch activists. 

According to Voice for Baloch Missing Persons, an organisation striving for the recovery of abducted Baloch activists, over 14000 Baloch have been abducted by Pakistan authorities. Among them over 600 have been killed in custody and their mutilated bodies were found in desolated areas across Balochistan.

Karachi:BHRO Protest Rally Against Military Operation in Mashkey.

Karachi : Baloch Human Rights Organization (BHRO) took out a Protest Rally From Art council to Karachi Press Club against Ongoing Pakistani Military Operation with Air Strikes on civil Population in Mashkey Town Occupied Balochistan .30-Dec-2012






Why Media and Human Rights Organization are silent over BalochGenocide ?

Brutality of Pakistani Army in " Chutok Tank " Mashkey.

Martyred and Injured People due to Bambrament of Pakistani Army on a House in "Chutok Tank" Mashkey.Balochistan.






 Pakistani army during bombardment on Baloch civilian's home in Mashky Operation....
Occupied Balochistan : Lal Bibi Got injured in Bombarment of Thank in  Chutok Mashkay by Pakistani Army

70 years old innocent women Shaheed Mahnaz Bibi,victim of Pakistan army bombardment at Thank  ,Pakistan Army killed innocent child, on Chutok, Mashkay Balochistan.

70 years old Mahnaz Bibi,victim of Pakistan army bombardment at Thank Chutok, Mashkay Balochistan.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Balochistan Gets a Military Operation On Christmas Eve

Is Balochistan the next Bangladesh?

Balochistan literally means 'place of the Baloch people'. It primarily comprises of four princely states - Kalat, Lasbela, Makran and Kharan, and was forcibly occupied by Pakistan after the end of British rule in 1947. The largest province of Pakistan constituting 47 of its area, Balochistan is endowed with abundant natural wealth. However, the growing dominance of Punjabis, exploitation of natural wealth and rising atrocities against Baloch people is fast leading Balochistan to follow the path of independence traveled by East Pakistan, now Bangladesh.


A Dark Christmas in Balochistan.

Tarek Fatah

 Columnist, The Toronto SUN
     As the joy of Christmas dawned worldwide from Manila in the east to Managua in the west, and places in between, the spirit celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace bypassed Pakistan.
Most of the country was distracted by the frenzy of a cricket match against rival India, while its tiny Christian population was observing one of theirdarkest years ever.
But the condition of Pakistan's Christians on this, their "dark Christmas," paled when compared to what was unfolding in the country's southwest region at the mouth of the Persian Gulf.
In fact, on Christmas Eve, the Pakistan Army launched a military operation in Balochistan that resulted in a massacre in the city of Mashkay.
Balochistan is home to a 60-year-old, on-again, off-again armed insurrection fought by three generations of guerrillas seeking independence from Islamabad's clutches. Deccan Walsh of theGuardian describes the conflict as "Pakistan's secret dirty war."
While the world observed Christmas and Pakistanis were glued to their TV sets watching cricket, Pakistan troops in armoured personal carriers backed by helicopter gunships circled the town and claimed the FC (Frontier Corps) had "killed many BLF [Baloch Liberation Front] men." Baloch politicians, bloggers and exiles, however, claimed the army action resulted in the death of 32 civilians.
The Pakistan Military claims Mashkay had harboured guerrillas of the Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF). The fact is, Mashkay is the hometown of the leader of the BLF guerrillas, physician Dr. Allah Nazar, who has given up his practice and has fled to the mountains from where he and his group of mostly urban nationalist youth have staged hit-and-run attacks on army checkpoints.
The Pakistan Army, frustrated by its inability to quell the rebellion that has widespread support among the civilians of Balochistan, has now resorted to tactics of the U.S. Military in Vietnam, where entire villages were destroyed if it was suspected they had given sanctuary to the Viet Minh and later the Viet Cong.
In the adjoining village of Mehi, birthplace of Dr. Nazar, the army is said to have expelled the population and set fire to several mud huts.
Sporadic protests against the military operation have taken place in Pakistan's major cities, but most of the country stays unaware of the massacres taking place in Balochistan, where over 14,000 young men have died or have disappeared in the last 10 years of conflict that has seen the assassination of many political leaders while others have fled the country into self-imposed exile.
The chairman of Baloch National Movement (BNM), Khalil Baloch, criticized world powers including America and Iran for supporting the Pakistani state, adding that "their aid to Pakistan is being used against Baloch nation."
The most significant reaction came from the former chief minister of Balochistan, Akhtar Mengalwho also heads the Balochistan National Party (BNP) and seeks a peaceful settlement.
Mengal has written to Senator John Kerry, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the next U.S. Secretary of State, asking him to invoke "The Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2009," to immediately suspend all American aid to Islamabad. Mengal is referring to the U.S. law that carries John Kerry's name and is better known as the Kerry-Lugar Bill.
It authorizes the release of $1.5-billion per year of American aid to the government of Pakistan, but with one caveat: Every six months the Secretary of State has to provide assessments of whether Pakistan's civilian government has effective control over the country's armed forces, including "oversight and approval of military budgets."
In the letter, former chief minister Mengal told Senator Kerry, "there is clear evidence that Pakistan's civilian government has lost 'effective control and oversight' over a military that is committing widespread atrocities and war crimes inside Balochistan."
Other exiled leaders in Toronto, London, Geneva and Dubai have expressed alarm at the Christmas Day campaign that is still underway, with no coverage in any of the national or international media.
Zaffar Baloch, President of the Baloch Human Rights Council (BHRC) in Canada, condemned the Pakistan Army's operation in Mashkay, Balochistan, saying it "is part of a broader plan of action to curtail the freedom struggle of the Baloch nation... and inflict a slow-motion genocide on the Baloch people," echoing the words of scholar Selig Harrison in Le Monde.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Save life of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhan, Write "Yes" if you pray for the safety of Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani re-arrested by Iran on Christmas Day!

Write "Yes" if you pray for the safety of Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani re-arrested by Iran on Christmas Day! 


The Iranian Christian pastor who had been imprisoned in Iran for converting from Islam to Christianity was taken into custody again on Christmas Day, according to several Iranian media sources and individuals close to the pastor and his family. 
Youcef Nadarkhani, 35,  had been summoned to return back to Lakan Prison in Rasht, the facility where he served time and was then released, based on the charge that he must complete the remainder of his sentence, according to several reports and confirmed by those close to Nadarkhani in Iran. 
In September, the pastor was acquitted of apostasy, but the court maintained his three-year sentence for evangelizing Muslims. As he had already served close to three years, the pastor was freed after posting bail. 
The court had then stated that the remainder which equaled roughly 45 days, would be served in the form of probation.
Nadarkhani, married and father of two young children, came under the regime’s radar in 2006 when he applied for his church to be registered with the state. According to sources, he was arrested at that time and then soon released.
In 2009, Nadarkhani went to local officials to complain about Islamic indoctrination in his school district, arguing that his children should not be forced to learn about Islam.
He was subsequently arrested.
Since Nadarkhani's release in September, his attorney, Mohammed Ali Dadkhah has been imprisoned and remains in Iran's notoriously brutal Evin Prison where his health is rapidly deteriorating and is being denied proper dental care, according to his family. He has been incarcerated for advocating Nadarkhani's case and other human rights cases. 
After his release, Nadarkhani wrote a public letter thanking all those who helped release him. In November, he traveled to London to speak at a national human rights conference thanking those who advocated on his behalf.

Read more: 

Mashkay under siege for last two days: Hundreds including women and children injured in military offensive.

 pakistan army has intensified its deadly military operation against innocent baloch by continuing Bombardment in mountainous regions of Gajli,jeebri and Mehi villages of Mashky Town..There are recent reports of a military fresh convoy arrival in Mashky Town from Gresha.
ccupied Balochistan (25/12/12): Mashkay town of Balochistan is besieged by the Pakistani military for last 48 hours. According to details more than 50 vehicles of Pakistani military have besieged the entire area and started indiscriminate firing.  Shelling by the military artillery is continued till the filling of this report. Gunship helicopters are firing upon the civilian settlements. Hundreds of the innocents Baloch have been injured including women and children. Mother of veteran Baloch leader Dr.Allah Nazar Baloch is among the injured too. Entire Mashkay town is cordoned off by the military and medics are not allowed to rescue the innocents.
 Military has torched the several houses and almost half the town is turned into ashes. 
International media is not given access in the area while Pakistani media is criminally silent upon this deadly episode of Baloch genocide. International community is appealed to take immediate notice of the situation. Urgent steps are needed to save the lives of hundreds of Balochs in Mashkay town. 

Twelve people including women, children killed in Pak Army operation in Balochistan.

On Wednesday morning, the army killed 12 people. Those killed were identified as Khuda Bux, Jamil, Mehnaz, Kher Biki and Ali Jan.
  1. Mir Shao S/O Rahmat
  2. Kuda Baksh S/O Noor Mohammad
  3. Jameel Baloch
  4. Ali Jan S/O Meer Shao
  5. Khair Bi Bi (70 year old woman)
  6. Lal BiBi (Woman)
  7. Nazul (woman)
  8. Haleema (woman)
  9. Ganjathon (woman)
  10. Saad Ganj (womean)
  11. Saki Dad ( 2  year kid)
  12. Labu (1 year kid)
  13. Bakshi (4 year kid)
  14. Mahnaz Noor Mohammad (woman)
  15. Gull BiBi (woman)
  16. Sara (woman       
6 persons were injured  .
  1. Sher Jan
  2. Kareem Jan
  3. Badal
  4. Bakasha Baloch
  5. and Two kids were  injured.
    BHRO takes out rally in Quetta city ,and protest against Malitary Operation And Bombardment On civilian Population in Mashkay....Awaran Balochistan

Karachi, BHRO Protest Against Bombardment in Mashkay
Operation 25-12-2012 : Pakistan army has initiated a massive military operation in Mehi village of Mashkay town occupied Balochistan early Tuesday morning.
The sources in Baloch National Movement, a political party of Balochistan, said several men and women, including Dr Nazar’s elderly mother have also been reported injured due to heavy bombardment in the area.
Awaran, BSO AZAD Rally Against Operation In Mashkay


Araz Mohd Baloch abducted by pakistani army during yesterday bombardment in mashkey town Balochistan and after a day his bullet-riddled dead body found from same area in #Mashkey Balochistan,we are salute your martyrdom

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Karachi : BHRO Held a Protest in front of Karachi Press club Aganist Ongoing Military operation in Mashkay Occupied Balochistan.25-Dec-2012

Houses set on fire by the Pakistani occupying army in Mashkay Balochistan ...!
gunships helicopters are being used to bomb the Mehi Village. “The whole town of Mehi has been besieged and all communication lines have been cut off,” Baloch tweeples have reported.

Military offensives under-way in Mashkay Balochistan, several houses destroyed

Pakistan army has initiated a massive military operation in Mehi
village of Mashkay town occupied Balochistan

waran : Pakistan army has initiated a massive military operation in Mehi village of Mashkay town occupied Balochistan early Tuesday morning. 

According to reports gunships helicopters are being used to bomb the Mehi Village. “The whole town of Mehi has been besieged and all communication lines have been cut off,” Baloch tweeples have reported.

There are reports of mass number of causalities due to indiscriminate bombardment in which several women and children have been critically injured. Several houses have been destroyed and set on fire. 

The Pakistani security forces have reported looted valuables from houses including jewelleries and cash.

The women and children of the locality have taken refuge in the town’s graveyard to save them from the brutal and indiscriminate bombardment.

Baloch National Movement has given a nationwide wheel jam strike call for tomorrow against the military rampage of Pakistani forces in Balochistan.

Meanwhile, the Baloch Human Rights Organisations took out a protest rally in Karachi against the ongoing military brutalities in Mashkay and surrounding areas.

There are reports of mass number of causalities due to indiscriminate
bombardment in which several 
women and children have been critically injured.
 Several houses have been destroyed and set on fire. 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Awaran: Friday 21 dec 2012 . FC and Pakistani Death Squad Beat Three Shopkeepers in 

Publicly and two was abducted.